June 2019 Calendar Printable Templates
We provide free printable calendar templates in the form of JPG image
and PDF, especially for the Americans. You can download or print these calendars. The calendars of every month of 2019 are available on our website with festivals or holidays of the USA. We generate calendars according to the United States Calendar System. It makes it easy for every American to study and understand the calendar easily.
Our Calendars are very simple and yet very useful. If you are looking for the June 2019 Calendar then you are at the right place. From here, you can download the printable June 2019 Calendar in PDF or JPG image format easily and that too for absolutely free.
If you are interested in a simple and very useful June 2019 Calendar, just check out our free printable June 2019 Calendar templates. All of them are free to download. They are available in PDF and JPG image formats to download.
Get all of your holidays and special occasions marked in front of you with the help of our printable calendars. Above all, as a citizen of the USA, our calendars keep you checked with every upcoming festival holiday. Our Calendars are of great help to all the citizens of the USA in particular.
Earlier, June used to be the fourth month of the year in the Roman calendar but still had 30 days. Around 450 BCE, a calendar reform came. This Calendar reform shifted the June to become the fifth month of the year with 29 days. Later, June again had 30 days after the arrival of Julian Calendar.
June is 30 days long and is the sixth month of the year in the modern calendars. It has the highest amount of daylight time in the Northern hemisphere and the least amount of daylight time in the southern hemisphere when compared to all the 12 months of the year. From a season’s point of view, June in Southern Hemisphere is very much like December in Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.
The month of June in 2019 will start from the day of the week Saturday which is also when the Meteorological summer will start. In particular, June 2019 will see a number of Holidays and Festivals in the United States. For example, Start of Meteorological Summer on June 1, Flag Day on June 14, Father’s Day on June 16, and Summer Solstice or Start of Summer on June 21 etc. The last day of June 2019 that is June 30 will be on Sunday.
Some also call June, a month of Marriages. As you already know that according to popular beliefs, June was named after a Roman Goddess Juno. Juno was a Goddess of Marriage and Goddess of married couple household and that’s the reason some people consider June as the month of Marriages. A high number of marriages happen in this month in the USA.
June’s birth flower is the honeysuckle or the rose. June’s birthstones are a sign of good health and longevity. The pearl, the Alexandrite and the moonstone are June’s birthstones.
Father’s Day 2019: Sunday, 16 June 2019
Father’s day is celebrated in honor of the Fathers and Father like figures. Father like figures means Stepfathers, Father-in-laws Grandfathers, Relatives, Uncle etc. Different countries celebrate the Father’s day on different days but most of them including the United States now come together to celebrate the contribution of Fathers in our lives on the third Sunday of June. This year, it is on 16 June 2019.
Father’s day is not a public holiday. All the offices and businesses follow their regular Sunday schedule. Fathers receive a number of gifts and cards with emotional and loving messages from their kids. The sale of manly gift items increases drastically days before the Father’s day. Restaurants are much busier than the regular Sundays as many people take their Father on a treat on this special day.
Though Father’s day officially became a holiday in 1972 under the Presidential rule of Mr. Nixon, its history goes way back to 1907. In December 1907, a mining accident occurred in Monongah, West Virginia which ended up killing a large number of people, most of whom were Fathers. These men received honor with a memorial service in 1908 which worked as an initiation of the Father’s day.
Some also say that a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd influenced the establishment of Father’s day. Her father raised six children all by himself even though his wife was dead. This sort of thing was uncommon those days. When someone’s wife used to die, either the husband used to give the children to others to look after them or just get married again straightaway. Sonoro realized that honor should be there for the contribution of Fathers also. She wanted it as it was happening for Mothers through Mothers day from the start of the twentieth century.
Last year, Father’s day was on 17 June and this year it will be on 16 June while Next year, it will be on 21 June. Third Sunday of June each year is observed as Father’s day in the United States. The quickest Father’s day can come on 15 June and the latest can come on 21 June. Also, it keeps roaming among these seven days of June – 15 to 21 June every year.
Source: VL Calendar June 2019
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Our Calendars are very simple and yet very useful. If you are looking for the June 2019 Calendar then you are at the right place. From here, you can download the printable June 2019 Calendar in PDF or JPG image format easily and that too for absolutely free.
Free download June 2019 Calendar Printable
Printable June 2019 Calendar templates are available to download in a number of exotic looks on our website. We give you a lot of options to choose the best look according to your taste. Our choice of calendar templates on our website range from the most eye-catching to the templates which have blank space for writing notes for specific dates.If you are interested in a simple and very useful June 2019 Calendar, just check out our free printable June 2019 Calendar templates. All of them are free to download. They are available in PDF and JPG image formats to download.
Get all of your holidays and special occasions marked in front of you with the help of our printable calendars. Above all, as a citizen of the USA, our calendars keep you checked with every upcoming festival holiday. Our Calendars are of great help to all the citizens of the USA in particular.
The Month of June in United States
June is the sixth month of the year in the modern-day Gregorian calendar which we follow today. It has 30 days. According to a popular belief, there is a connection between the name of this month and a Roman Goddess Juno. Juno was the wife of Jupiter. Specifically, she is equivalent to Greek Goddess Hera. Some people also say that the name of the month June came from the Latin word “iuniores”. This Latin word means “youth” in English.Earlier, June used to be the fourth month of the year in the Roman calendar but still had 30 days. Around 450 BCE, a calendar reform came. This Calendar reform shifted the June to become the fifth month of the year with 29 days. Later, June again had 30 days after the arrival of Julian Calendar.
June is 30 days long and is the sixth month of the year in the modern calendars. It has the highest amount of daylight time in the Northern hemisphere and the least amount of daylight time in the southern hemisphere when compared to all the 12 months of the year. From a season’s point of view, June in Southern Hemisphere is very much like December in Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.
The month of June in 2019 will start from the day of the week Saturday which is also when the Meteorological summer will start. In particular, June 2019 will see a number of Holidays and Festivals in the United States. For example, Start of Meteorological Summer on June 1, Flag Day on June 14, Father’s Day on June 16, and Summer Solstice or Start of Summer on June 21 etc. The last day of June 2019 that is June 30 will be on Sunday.
Some also call June, a month of Marriages. As you already know that according to popular beliefs, June was named after a Roman Goddess Juno. Juno was a Goddess of Marriage and Goddess of married couple household and that’s the reason some people consider June as the month of Marriages. A high number of marriages happen in this month in the USA.
June’s birth flower is the honeysuckle or the rose. June’s birthstones are a sign of good health and longevity. The pearl, the Alexandrite and the moonstone are June’s birthstones.
Father’s Day in the United States
When Is Father’s Day 2019?Father’s Day 2019: Sunday, 16 June 2019
Father’s day is celebrated in honor of the Fathers and Father like figures. Father like figures means Stepfathers, Father-in-laws Grandfathers, Relatives, Uncle etc. Different countries celebrate the Father’s day on different days but most of them including the United States now come together to celebrate the contribution of Fathers in our lives on the third Sunday of June. This year, it is on 16 June 2019.
Father’s day is not a public holiday. All the offices and businesses follow their regular Sunday schedule. Fathers receive a number of gifts and cards with emotional and loving messages from their kids. The sale of manly gift items increases drastically days before the Father’s day. Restaurants are much busier than the regular Sundays as many people take their Father on a treat on this special day.
Though Father’s day officially became a holiday in 1972 under the Presidential rule of Mr. Nixon, its history goes way back to 1907. In December 1907, a mining accident occurred in Monongah, West Virginia which ended up killing a large number of people, most of whom were Fathers. These men received honor with a memorial service in 1908 which worked as an initiation of the Father’s day.
Some also say that a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd influenced the establishment of Father’s day. Her father raised six children all by himself even though his wife was dead. This sort of thing was uncommon those days. When someone’s wife used to die, either the husband used to give the children to others to look after them or just get married again straightaway. Sonoro realized that honor should be there for the contribution of Fathers also. She wanted it as it was happening for Mothers through Mothers day from the start of the twentieth century.
Last year, Father’s day was on 17 June and this year it will be on 16 June while Next year, it will be on 21 June. Third Sunday of June each year is observed as Father’s day in the United States. The quickest Father’s day can come on 15 June and the latest can come on 21 June. Also, it keeps roaming among these seven days of June – 15 to 21 June every year.
Source: VL Calendar June 2019
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